
Blog Article

Scrapers and Thomson channels assembly in Galicia

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TecnoConverting Engineering has beed awarded for the manufacture, supply and assembly of two Classic scrapers and several Thomson channels in stainless steel for a Drinking Water Plant in Galicia.

The Classic scrapers have been developed with the EASY INSTALL technology, which allows quick and easy installation by assemblers technicians almost without elevation means. These are 9x9m settlers, perfectly dimensioned for a proper sludge settling.

The Thompson channels, as usual in TecnoConverting Engineering, are manufactured exclusively in stainless steel and calculated so that they are self supporting, meaning not requiring any under support structure.

TecnoConverting Engineering is the only company in the market that structurally calculates all the Thompson channels dimensioned, so that they can be self supporting. We are always very sharp at this point, as we have demonstrated that using our simulation technology Tecnotec, the under support structures of Thomson channels negatively affect the behavior of the lamellar settling, causing preferential channels.


15 Apr, 14



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