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TecnoConverting Engineering has been awarded for manufacturing and supply of a lamellar settler in a WWTP in Mexico

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Continuing its international expansion, TecnoConverting Engineering designed and supplied a lamellar settler for a Waste Water Treatment Plant in México, design which considers all hydraulic calculations for the correct performance using TecnoTec Technology.

TecnoConverting Engineering also performed calculations of the under-support structure for the lamellar system, always considering a 50 % loading of sludge, in order to have an for optimum and efficient settling.

The manufacture and supply of the Classic scraper in stainless steel was carried out using the EASY- INSTALL system developed by TecnoConverting Engineering. This system allows the customer to install all equipment supplied with maximum easiness, reducing exceptionally the installation and assembly costs in other countries, and ensuring the proper functioning of the entire system.

The EASY-INSTALL technology has been tested previously in different installations in Ireland, Germany, Mexico and Colombia, and has always been very successful.

20 May, 14



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